God Bless America
Land that I love ......dedicated to our troops and military families who fight to protect freedom and liberty throughout the world.
Land that I love ......dedicated to our troops and military families who fight to protect freedom and liberty throughout the world.
Speaking at the U.S. Naval Academy, President Bush laid out the plan for victory in Iraq. America's strategy is clear: we will help Iraqis build a stable democracy, a strong economy, and security forces that can defend the Iraqi people and fight the terrorists. And we will never give in to the enemy by cutting and running before the job is done.
Read the President's complete Strategy for Victory in Iraq here, and write a letter to the editor to spread the word about the President's plan.
In Iraq, our troops' heroic work is paying off. Iraqis will soon vote in their third democratic election this year. Groups that boycotted earlier elections are joining the political process. On the security front, Iraqi troops and police are growing stronger and more ready to defend their country. Increasingly, Iraqis are taking the lead in joint operations to root out the terrorists. As Iraqi forces stand up, our troops' mission will shift away from patrolling Iraqi cities and towards hunting down the most dangerous terrorists.
In spite of the incredible progress made by our troops, some in Washington still are proposing artificial deadlines for withdrawal. This is not a plan for victory. Cutting and running would send a message to the terrorists that our will can be broken, inviting more attacks on our troops and on our homeland. It would tell our friends that America is a weak and unsteady ally. So long as George W. Bush is our President, America will never return to the dangerous, pre-September 11th illusion that the terrorists can be appeased by simply turning our backs.
In response to the President's clear plan, Democrats like minority leader Harry Reid offer empty political attacks, calling the President's speech "tired rhetoric" even before it was given. Yet these same Democrats agree with key elements of President Bush's strategy, with Sen. Joe Biden writing that "we must forge a sustainable political compromise between Iraqi factions, strengthen the Iraqi government and bolster reconstruction efforts, and accelerate the training of Iraqi forces." That sounds exactly like what the President is proposing. These Democrats fundamentally agree on what needs to happen in Iraq, but they're attacking for political gain. Are these attacks designed to help us win the war on terror, or help them win the next election?
President Bush offers a way forward on Iraq, not empty political posturing. Read the strategy and spread the word in your community.
Ken Mehlman
Chairman, Republican National Committee
I just don't get how some people make excuses for terrorists, saying that it's our fault, when the terrorists seem to be going to so much trouble to turn children into bombs. Children's Cartoons from Iran: | |||||||||
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The above clips are a limited list. | |||||||||
I lifted this post from the blog: Michael Yon: Online Magazine for several reasons.
Michael Yon is a War Correspondent. I mean , a real war correspondent. Not, some guy who who is embedded with the troops for thesole reason of embarrasing the soldiers that he is 'reporting' on, in aneffort to undermine the war effort. And, he can write. That, in itself, sets him apart from a great many of his colleagues.
He is an independent, receiving no support from some editor or pub-lisher, who might expect him to write a certain way if he expects tocontinue his employment. Mr. Yon has come to rely on his readersto fund his efforts. His post below explains that and offers the out-standing photograph of a soldier carrying a wounded Iraqi child, as a gift, that would be entirely suitable as a Christmas gift.
Mr. Yon supports the troops in a most admirable way. I highly suggest that you read his work and especially look at the photographs that follow his post that I am featuring here. He is a friend of BruceWillis, who also is an outstanding supporter of the U.S. Military. I would appreciate any support that we can give those who supportAmerica's sons and daughters.
Finally, it doesn't matter who took this photograph. It is an outstanding example of how compassionate and caring our troops are. May God bless them and Michael Yon.
"Many people say this is the most important photograph of the Iraq war. Some have called it "a national treasure." The image most completely embodies my experience throughout Iraq.
Countless people have asked for reprints, but I wanted to give the matter some thought. I did not want to diminish the symbolism of thisphotograph, and the American soldiers who risked their lives to save this little girl.
I more than espoused this belief, I lived it: I have not accepted advertisements on this site, and my first 7 months of work in Iraq were completely without compensation. When I reached the point where my equipment was ruined and my resources exhausted, I had to choose between stopping the work altogether or rethinking my independence. I solved both problems by accepting reader support.
When these soldiers finally returned to the United States after a year of hard fighting they asked my permission to present a copy of the photograph to Bruce Willis at “The Punishers’ Ball.” Of course, I agreed. I respect these men beyond simple description, and when I saw the photo so tastefully framed, I realized that it made a beautiful gift.
It occurred to me that even national treasures have practical costs associated with them. No one protests the admission fees or government supports that maintain and preserve their legacy. Museums don't diminish the value of art when they sell prints in a gift shop. I'm not claiming to be Picasso, and this blog is hardly the Louvre, but my readers have convinced me that this image inspires them and I've learned to listen to my readers.
I’ve decided to offer a limited number of signed photographs, available intwo formats.
All will be signed and numbered by me.
If you have difficulty with PayPal, or just prefer to send a check, please use the address provided with my profile section."
Primary function: Portable anti-armor rocket launcher.
To Carry: 29.9 inches (75.95 centimeters)
Ready-to-Fire: 54 inches (137.16 cm)
To Carry: 16.6 pounds (7.54 kg)
Ready-to-Fire (HEDP): 29.5 pounds (13.39 kg)
Ready-to-Fire (HEAA): 30.5 pounds (13.85 kg)
Bore diameter: 83mm
Maximum effective range:
1 x 2 Meter Target: 250 meters
Tank-Sized Target: 500 meters
Introduction date: 1984
Unit Replacement Cost: $13,000
Mission: To destroy bunkers and other fortifications during assault operations as well as other designated targets with the dual mode rocket and to destroy main battle tanks with the HEAA rocket.
Features: The SMAW is an 83mm man-portable weapon system consisting of the MK153 Mod 0 launcher, the MK 3 Mod 0 encased HEDP rocket, the MK 6 Mod 0 encased HEAA rocket, and the MK217 Mod 0 spotting rifle cartridge. The launcher consists of a fiberglass launch tube, a 9mm spotting rifle, an electro-mechanical firing mechanism, open battle sights, and a mount for the MK42 Mod 0 optical and AN/PVS-4 night sights. The High Explosive, Dual Purpose (HEDP) rocket is effective against bunkers, masonry and concrete walls, and light armor. The High Explosive Anti-Armor (HEAA) rocket is effective against current tanks without additional armor. The 9mm spotting rounds are ballistically matched to the rockets and increase the gunner's first round hit probability. Training is accomplished with the MK7 Mod 0 encased common practice rocket and the MK213 Mod 0 noise cartridge.
The SMAW MK153 Mod 0 launcher is based on the Israeli B-300 and consists of the launch tube, the spotting rifle, the firing mechanism, and mounting brackets. The launch tube is fiberglass/epoxy with a gel coat on the bore. The spotting rifle is a British design and is mounted on the right side of the launch tube. The firing mechanism mechanically fires the spotting rifle and uses a magneto to fire the rocket. The mounting brackets connect the components and provide the means for boresighting the weapon. The encased rockets are loaded at the rear of the launcher. The spotting cartridges are stored in a magazine in the cap of the encased rocket.
Marine Corps Inventory: 1364
Background: The SMAW system (launcher, ammunition and logistics support) was fielded in 1984 as a Marine Corps unique system. At that time, the SMAW included the MK153 Mod 0 launcher, the MK3 Mod 0 HEDP encased rocket, the MK4 Mod 0 practice rocket and the MK217 Mod 0 9mm spotting cartridge. The MK6 Mod 0 encased HEAA rocket is being added to the inventory. The MOD 0 has demonstrated several shortcomings. A series of modifications is currently planned to address the deficiencies. They include a resleeving process for bubbled launch tubes, rewriting/drafting operator and technical manuals, a kit that will reduce environmental intrusion into the trigger mechanism, and an optical sight modification to allow the new HEAA rocket to be used effectively against moving armor targets. Recently fielded were new boresight bracket kits that, when installed, will solve the loss of boresight problem between launch tube and spotting rifle. During Desert Storm, 150 launchers and 5,000 rockets were provided to the U.S. Army. Since then, the Army has shown increased interest in the system.