Thursday, April 06, 2006

DFW Airport Welcomes Soldiers Home

This short video show soldiers being welcomed home, 4/6/06, at DFW airport. It isn't close to how long or how loud the welcome is. It was the same welcome for a single soldier who walked through the door. It is my priviledge to work where I can be a part of this kind of support for our military.

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There was a couple waiting close by. They were flying to Germany to see their son, before he deployed to Iraq. I persuaded them to wait until the first soldiers came through. I didn't tell them this, but, I wanted them to see how this country feels about their son's service. So, that they could tell him. When I left, I said goodbye to the mother. By then, she was standing in line, waiving a small American flag and crying. Do you think that maybe she'll hug her son a little harder? I hope so.

The camera didn't do it justice. These volunteers do this over and over. They never seem to grow weary of it.

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