Saturday, August 20, 2005

Michael Yon : Online Magazine

A Blog page of note:

Michael Yon : Online Magazine

From "There is actually good reporting coming from Iraq -- check out Michael Yon's blog, for example. And it's possible to get a clearer picture of the strategic picture than most big media accounts provide."

Michael Yon's profile:

My Photo
Name:Michael Yon

Michael Yon, author of "Danger Close," is currently in Iraq. Email: Michael Yon is an independent, informed observer chronicling the monumentally important events in the efforts to stabilize Iraq. His dispatches have the benefit of his life experiences without drawbacks based on deadlines or demands of marketplace. The cost of these dispatches is borne solely by Michael. Readers who enjoy these dispatches and want to support Michael's mission in Iraq, can make a contribution using the PayPal links which are activated when the "support the next dispatch" button is clicked. Donations can also be sent to Michael Yon P O Box 416 Westport Pt MA 027

An excerpt from the August 16th entry on Michael Yon's Online Magazine:

"The only martyrs I know about in Iraq are the fathers and brothers who see a better future coming, and so they act on their beliefs and assemble outside police stations whenever recruitment notices are posted. They line up in ever increasing numbers, knowing that insurgents can also read these notices. The men stand in longer and longer lines, making ever bigger targets of themselves. Some volunteer to to earn a living. This, too, is honorable. But others take these risks because they believe that a better future is possible only if Iraqi men of principle stand up for their own values, for their country, for their families. Theses are the true martyrs, the true heroes of Iraq and of Islam. I meet these martyrs frequently. They are brave men, worthy of respect."

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