Veterans Day 2006
I thought that I should take the time to remember and honor my family on this Veterans Day.
My father's father was a Pennsylvania National Guardsman and Marine for six years leading up to the start of WWI. I didn't have an picture that I could scan and post today, so, I used the poster below. He was named after Presidents Harrison and McKinley. He passed that name onto my father.
My father was a WWII Navy Seabee, who repaired runways on islands in the South Pacific, making them usable for the advance on Japan. His brother was a Navy Corpsman. He repaired the injured who took those islands. My father is in the photo below, that was taken on my parents wedding day.
I was in the Army from 1965-1967. I was fortunate enough not to have been sent to Viet Nam. But, I strongly identify with those who did. I sometimes cry for them.
My oldest son is the young man in uniform, in the last picture below. The man in the photo with him is a survivor of Mogadishu, Somalia ('Black Hawk Down'). Both warriors are Bronze Star winners. I am proud to say that my son has two Bronze Stars. I am sure that he would be embarrassed to know that I have mentioned that. In fact, he didn't tell me. I had to get that, by looking at the ribbons he is wearing in the picture.
I expect that there are many American families with similiar histories. My profound thanks to them all, for their distinguished service to their country.

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