Saturday, December 03, 2005

Are you Santa Clause?

I received this as e-mail from Capt. B., author of the well written blog, 'One Marine's View'. It is a poignant reminder of what our troops are sacrificing, especially during the holiday season. Please, take the time to remember them.
So here we are in the beautiful scenic country of Iraq…………….the colors, the smells the ………….ok well its not so pretty but as everyone has a “home” we have a little place where we get our mail. It’s a humble place but its what we call home. Boxes arrive and we tear off the addresses for security as well as the customs forms and place in a burn barrel. We keep one copy of the customs forms so we can write you back.

Packages are opened to be screened for any “illegal” items (trust us we have gotten some doosies too) and every one has an extra sense of boxes opening in the area and they begin to gather around us. Every time we open boxes its like Christmas day here. You never know what’s inside and to hear someone say “oh Ive been looking for one of those” you share in the excitement. We all share like a big family. If you know somebody who needs something or likes a brand of something we set aside for them to enjoy. Because of you continuously being so generous we have a little more breathing room and live a lot more comfortable than we would be if YOU weren’t helping us, are you Santa Clause? We don’t have to have these great items and we would complete the mission without them but being here for 6 months or a year it is nice to have some comforts of home with you and we have you to thanks for it.

We currently have several operations throughout the area underway to prepare the area for the upcoming Dec 15th elections here in Iraq. Your Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen are working together and the term One Team, One Fight has never been truer. Counter artillery fire and incoming mortars has become a thing to expect and respect. We don’t get complacent here because that’s when you will get bit for sure. The slogan “Complacency Kills” reminds us everyday that the most peaceful times here can turn in a blink of an eye and turn very ugly. Throughout the months here the 2d Marine Division has lost Marines and attached Service members who paid the ultimate price. Please do not forget their families during this holiday season as it would be terrible to loose a loved one but appalling to loose a loved one during the holidays and have to spend it alone.

We have had occasional reports a savvy character who meets the description of the world known “Iraqi Santa Elvis” in our area of operations. Its not sure if this is the real “ISE” or one of his look alike doubles that are used to throw off smart kids and insurgents the like. We have multiple military organizations tracking the known spreader of holiday joy and rock & roll music. We will keep you updated as the situation develops but its probably best to keep your classic Elvis records locked up safe!

We are a nation who bands together during trying and challenging times and your service member’s families need you now more than ever. Thanks to and you all for writing to us and sending your grateful generosity in the packages we receive. All of you are making a huge difference to us!

Semper Fidelis, Capt B

Remember you can read the 2d Mar Div Newsletter here then just click on the blue writing at the top of the 2d Marine webpage.

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